About Us

The Challenger Trust promotes, commissions, and evaluates out-of-school activities that improve attendance, behaviour, attainment, health, and employability.

How We Operate

The Trust does not normally raise or grant funds, but instead leverages third parties to give and receive funding for projects which meet its objectives.

Current Activity

Current activity is limited to feeding into central government for the diversion of current youth funding to local and regional youth partnerships where it will generate a better return than centrally organised provision.


  • A voucher-based levy entitlement for all disadvantaged children.

  • A digitally supported engagement and access platform.

  • An economic model for scale.

  • Delivering objectives set in NYA Review "Better Together."

  • Impact measurement for character development.

  • Rolling out operational pilots.

Slide Sheffield and Hull
Liverpool City Region
Stoke on Trent
East London.
We are operating with 150,000 children at schools in:

Get in Touch

For further information email info@challengertrust.org